PVC System

Thermoplastic Membrane

thermoplastic polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Thermoplastic Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) is a roofing membrane with incredible benefits. Customers who have installed it invariably find it to be a cost-effective long-term solution. From an environmental perspective, it’s hard to beat a living green roof solution. With its Energy Star rating and highly reflective and recyclable single-layer material, PVC is the obvious choice for green roofing systems. Plus, with great roof rebates and a LEED credit rating, the benefits keep adding up. From a durability perspective, oil, grease, and chemicals dislike PVC’s highly resistant surface, and it is incredibly easy to repair and maintain.

solid option

energy savings in warmer climates

PVC is a solid choice for restaurants, airports, and commercial facilities with grease, oil, and chemical problems, and environments that experience dilute acid effluents. Reflective white PVC ceiling panels have a surface that provides a cooling effect that homeowners want to provide energy savings in warmer climates. It has been proven in the industry for over 20 years and now meets the most stringent codes in a wide variety of climates. En pocas palabras, el PVC está diseñado para resistir el paso del tiempo. Duradero, pero flexible, el PVC es una solución ideal para techos a largo plazo, disponible con forro polar y en distintos espesores. Cuanto más gruesa es la membrana, mayor es su resistencia a la rotura, filtraciones, la absorción de agua y la intemperie. Fabricado con estándares estrictos, la membrana de PVC viene con agentes adhesivos plastificantes, refuerzo de poliéster y protectores UV.


retains a high reflectivity value over time

Thermoplastic polyvinyl chloride membrane has a very economical commercial cost compared to other roofing membranes. As mentioned, PVC retains a high reflectivity value over time, offering continuous energy efficiency and optimal solar reflectance index (SRI). Roofs that are frequently exposed to grease or chemicals, such as restaurants and food processing facilities, benefit from the protection provided by a PVC roofing system. Puncture resistance and strong seam bond provide excellent waterproofing protection.

We are ready to help you, contact us now.

Our goal is to provide you with the quality and efficient care that your project deserves. 
